Blogger Recognition Award….:)


Heya! 😘😘

Got nominated for Blogger Recognition Award..:)  by my very dear friend…
You can check her beautiful blog here

My journey as a blogger….

It will be difficult to write in few much I have learned and shared at this platform…Its fun to have friends and positivity around…and I get both of it here on WordPress….
So yeahhhh I love this place and I want to thanks everyone who  ready to listen my nonsense thoughts and haven’t left me still…Hahaha😂😂

Piece of Advice to other bloggers-

Well I assume everyone here is better than me….when it comes to blogging but still …. here I go with some suggestions…..

1. Please avoid writing lengthy posts…instead write it in parts if you want maintain the readers interest.

2. Learn to accept the difference of opinion …and move on…You are not born to change others viewpoint. 

My nominations…

1- Write a post showing your award.
2- Thank the person  who nominated you.
3- Write your journey as blogger here.
4- Write a piece of advice for fellow bloggers.
5- Nominate others…

My nominations are for acknowledging the gr8 work at your blogs:):)
No one is forced to participate in this .

Take Care ….Eid Mubarak to everyone:)