My namesake nominated me for My Lovely Blog award…:)


Hello everyone…..

This post is to announce a good news…
I  met my Namesake here on WordPress…. She is  young,cute,funny ,witty….and her blog is adorable…you can check it out here

So I am thankful to her for her very lovely msg she sent me telling that she is my namesake…:):)
Thanks for following me….and a big thanks for nominating me for   …

“lovely blog Award”…..😘😘

Award´s Rules:

1-You must thank the person who nominated you and includes a link to their blog.                                 

2-You must  list the rules and display the award.                                                                                 3. – You must add 7 facts about yourself.                                                     4-You must nominate 15 other bloggers and leave a comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated….

7 Facts about myself :-
1- I am an introvert.
2-If I trust someone I can be there for them always….:)
3- I am a huge fan of Old Bollywood songs…💗💗💖💖
4- I absolutely love the smell of Kerosene oil, Paints, Varnish, Cherry Blossom shoe polish…(That’s  a weird fact😂😂😂)….
5- Whenever I watch R.Madhvan on screen ….I get a feeling that …my future husband should be like him…
I don’t know why??? 😄😄😄
6- I want to become a very good teacher in my life…📗📘📙📚📚
7- I am very sensitive…I cry easily

So here are my nominations…..


These are my adorable friends…I would love to read it from them….:):):)

If you guys are willing to participate …please let me know so that I can read ur post….
Stay Lovely Stay Blessed….:):):)

Author: itsmeharshi

Common girl trying to pen down her experience with life.....

14 thoughts on “My namesake nominated me for My Lovely Blog award…:)”

  1. I also love old Bollywood songs…Old songs are awesome..they have good…you could find your loved’Mere Sapno ki rani’..’mere sang sang aaya teri yadon ka mela’..and smell of carosine oil …confession….

    Liked by 2 people

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